Upcoming workshops and registrations

The workshops
"à la carte"
The “ À la Carte ” workshops are creative themed journeys that can be chosen according to your intuitions, your calls, your needs.
Scheduled on a single date and time, at a rate of approximately 2 hours per workshop , they help with support, awareness, relief, liberation, fun and sharing, in a group, on a particular subject.
Price: €20 per online session
After each registration, you will receive in the confirmation email a summary of all the practical information necessary for the workshop: the date, the location or the online link, the schedule and the duration.
It will also include the list of desired materials, often basic, that are easy to find around us, in forgotten drawers, in the children's desk, in our old magazines, in our DIY and makeshift kits, in sorting our cupboards, in the packaging of our purchases, in recycling our "trash", in our creativity, in every detail that inspires us, that makes us shiver...
From now on, I invite you to take a journey to the very heart of your daily life and to offer yourself some
"banks" of precious treasures collected.
You will (re)start to see that all small things can be worthy and precious.
These banks could be resources for expression as much as they could be a manifestation of creativity itself.
This invitation will allow you to see your environment differently, to open your eyes, or even both, to every little thrill of the little nothings and to honor them.
November 2021
Monday, November 22 at 6 p.m.:
"If chance does things well"
Gentle introduction to the energy of the moment, moment of connection to the gifts of a present, present...

Thursday, November 25 at 6:30 p.m .:
"Money thrills"
And me? How do my emotions influence my relationship with money? How does money influence my emotions?

Location: Online
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
° 1 minimum A4 support
- Leaves, cardboard, recycling, etc.
° Some magazines
° A pair of scissors
° Glue / adhesive tape
° Colored pencils/ markers/ paint/ pastel
° Your essential
Location: Online
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
° 1 to 2 A4 sheets
° 1 A3 support (sheet or cardboard)
° Ballpoint pens/felt-tip pens in different colors
° Water-based paint or quick-drying paint.
° Brushes
° Water pots
° Rags
December 2021
Thursday December 2 at 6:30 p.m.:
“What if we talked about love?”
A creative journey to the heart of unconditional Love.
What if we visited Love?

Location: Online
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
° Colored pencils, felt-tip pens, glue, scissors, 2 to 6 A4 sheets
° All your materials: papers, wrapping paper, cardboard, recycled boxes, natural elements, fabrics, threads, cotton, feathers, corks, paint, etc.
Thursday December 9 at 6:30 p.m .:
"I help luck"
Creative journey to the land of a Russian tale...
I'm lucky!

Location: Online
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
Details of upcoming equipment
Thursday December 16 at 6:30 p.m.:
"My biggest features"
Beyond these features there is me.
Self-portrait, feature by feature,
And beautiful big ones!
Journey beyond the face...

Location: Online
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
Details of upcoming equipment
Thursday December 23 at 6:30 p.m .:
"Haiku and the Messenger of the Day"
Gentle introduction to the energy of the moment, moment of connection to the gifts of a present, present..
As a bonus , a workshop to do at home, for yourself!

Location: Online
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
Details of upcoming equipment
The Cycles
Les cycles Art'monie de Soi vous proposent d'aborder des thèmes, en profondeur, pour cheminer vers la conscience de soi.
L'Abondance, moi, émois!
5 séances en ligne entre le 10 Janvier et le 7 Février.
Chaque Lundi, à 18h30
Environ 2h par séance (vous serez averti dès l'inscription,
du matériel à prévoir pour chacune des séances et de la durée
de chacune d'entre elles).
Une invitation à entrer dans notre relation à l'abondance,
en douceur,
La voir?
La recevoir?
5 séances pour aller à petits pas certains, à travers sa créativité,
pour rencontrer et œuvrer en soi vers plus d'abondance.
Une aventure challengeante et pacifiante, en reliance avec un groupe d'êtres humains, depuis le premier jusqu'au dernier atelier.
Une abondance de voyages créatifs!

Price: €135 for the complete cycle
108€ instead of 135€ for reservations and payments before December 20, 2021
The Cycle Includes:
Links and access to all online workshops every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. between January 10 and February 7, 2022.
5 Creative Journeys to Move Towards More Abundance.
Instruction sheets to be able to progress at your own pace every week.
Access to a Telegram Chat where you can communicate with the group.
A bonus workshop at the end of the cycle.
Limited places: Maximum 20 Participants
Theme days

Creation of a "vision board"
(or visualization board - of dreams)
Programming in progress at the beginning of January
In a group, a themed day invites you on a journey, through particular creative achievements.
The creative process helps to support, strengthen, encourage and bring to fruition an area of your life.

- Gratitude day, experience and learn to be in gratitude
Programming in progress at the end of December
- Realize and adopt your affirmations and positive language
Programming underway at the beginning of January
For any wish to organize a theme day at your home or at your location, please contact me by email: artmoniedesoi@protonmail.com
Full days
There are no full days scheduled yet.