“Treating yourself to a massage is a real gift,
A Gift of the moment that spreads through Time,
In the Body, in the Heart."

An invitation to an inner journey
The treatments I offer are as much about relaxation as they are about awakening psycho-corporal awareness, and take into account your entire being: emotional, physical, psychological, ...
To be massaged is to reconnect with your body in its entirety.
Each massage stimulates blood circulation, eliminates toxins, boosts the immune system and triggers the release of endorphins - the feel-good hormones that soothe both body and mind.
Treating yourself to a massage is also a path towards a better understanding of your body's limits, a space where you (re)discover all that constitutes you.
A unique experience, at your own place
Each session lasts between 2 and 3.5 hours and includes ..:
A time of exchange to define your expectations, needs and limits in a respectful setting.
A sensory journey to let go.
Carried along by gentle music, the subtle scent of natural incense, and enveloping gestures of Love. it's a journey into deep relaxation.
Massages are performed on a futon, on the floor, to encourage anchoring and deep relaxation.
I use warmed organic vegetable oils, enhanced with relaxing or stimulating essential oils, adapted to your specific needs.
Naked or partially clothed, you choose the comfort that suits you best to receive the treatment.
A Ritual of well-being and Respect,
A Time for Harmony of Self, with the flavors of respectful listening and a relaxing infusion.

In order to be able to create together, in confidence, a space conducive to relaxation, freedom and the emergence of what presents itself in the energy of the moment,
I would ask you, first of all, to kindly accept and commit to respecting the framework of the care offered by carefully reading the general conditions and the charter of respect.
This done, I will take a moment with you during our meeting, to consider YOUR framework, YOUR limits, YOUR security needs and determine how we will co-create this moment of kindness, of Welcome, of Love, in Respect of each one.
Looking forward to organizing a session with you.
The treatments offered:

Harmonizing Massage
Inspired by Eastern techniques, this session promotes alignment of Heart, Body, Mind.
Particularly recommended for reducing daily stress.
2h : 120€

Intuitive Massage
This session is a made-to-measure journey. Adapted to your physical and emotional needs, my experience and my heart are at your service.
Relaxing, stimulating, energetic or muscular massage, depending on the moment.
2h : 145€
Tantric Sessions:

3h : 250€
Tantric Wave
This session is your first journey towards Self Harmony through Tantra.
Guided towards full awareness and presence, discover the Tantric Keys and become the energy that flows freely.

2h30 : 200€
Tantric Exploration
This session is your Second Journey. Self-exploration through Tantra.
You hold the Keys, energy flows more freely, let's go together to explore the Body, the senses, pleasure, bliss.
A unique journey made for you.

3h30 : 330€
Tantric Ritual
The session by excellence
A gentle yet intense journey to honor the Divine within you.
An in-depth (re)discovery and exploration.
This can be your first session, subject to a prior telephone consultation.
Tantric Options :
Prostatic Massage
Exploring the Sacred Point: A Tantric and Therapeutic Approach
Tantric male massage offers a unique opportunity to work with the sacral point, an area that the ancients considered essential for energetic awakening.
Anatomically, this zone corresponds to the prostate, but in a Tantric approach, it's much more than just an organ. It's a powerful energy portal, capable of stimulating a profound surge of energy and awakening subtle, transformative sensations.
That's why, before including this practice in a session, a preliminary telephone interview is mandatory. This discussion enables us to assess together whether sacral point massage is suitable for your current situation. If, during the session, I feel that your well-being could be compromised, I reserve the right to postpone or not include this practice. You will not, of course, be charged for the option reserved.
In tantric massage, assessment of the body's energetic state is essential. Before working on the sacred point, it's crucial to clear blocked energy channels to allow fluid circulation. If the energy circuits are unprepared, working on this area could lead to an overload or imbalance, comparable to applying intense pressure to a blocked pipe.
When practiced in a prepared and harmonious context, sacral point massage offers numerous benefits:
On an energetic level: it promotes better circulation of vital energy, amplifies sensitivity and opens the way to deeper states of consciousness.
Physiological: it helps maintain a healthy prostate, essential for male sexuality and well-being.
On a sensual and emotional level: it develops a new dimension of receptivity and connection with the body, while increasing orgasmic capacities tenfold by opening up to rich, unprecedented internal sensations.
Above all, this practice is an invitation to reconnect with oneself, welcome sensations and open up fully to the energy of receiving.

Add prostatic massage in your session
A conscious and respectful practice with no sexual intentions.
I only offer this experience when the man explicitly requests it when making an appointment, or when I feel, after a sincere exchange, that it can support his personal evolution.
Each step is taken with respect for your limits, your rhythm and your energy.
+ 40€ to the price of the session
As a reminder, booking a session necessarily includes accepting the general conditions and the charter of respect.
The Harmonizing Massage
Inspired by oriental techniques, this massage aims to reunite body and mind.
Made of more or less light pressure, of enveloping, encompassing, unifying gestures, the massage transports you inside yourself...
It helps you regain self-esteem and reconnect with your body.
Practiced with warm vegetable oil, The movements of this massage follow one another and intensify to provide deep relief, untie knots, dissolve tension, soothe anxiety and stress, and bring more lightness.
It is particularly recommended for people stressed by their daily lives.
Practiced regularly, it is a real prevention against emotional and mental stress.
After the treatment, in a feeling of harmony, the energy circulates more easily, which provides a state of calm and serenity.
The Benefits:
Relaxation and reduction of muscle tension.
Promotes calming of the mind.
Lowers blood pressure, reduces fatigue and anxiety.
Improves sleep.
Stimulates blood circulation and the elimination of toxins.
It provides pleasure and well-being.
It teaches you how to take care of yourself and gives you confidence.

2 hours
Price: 120€
Paris price: 130€
(-30 years reduction of 30€)
As a reminder, booking a session necessarily includes accepting the general conditions and the charter of respect.
Intuitive Massage
Inspired by techniques learned over my years of experience, from my sensitivity and my intuition, this massage is intended to be holistic and adapted to you.
Intuitive Massage is a unique and personalized massage according to your needs, those of the mind and body.
It is adapted according to your desires of the moment, your wish for experiences and what contributes to your relaxation.
Intuitive massage is born from my sensitivity and my heart, in attentive listening to what is good for you here and now, a treatment such as this will always be unique. Because you are unique, because the moment T is unique.
This treatment allows you to reconnect the body and mind in the present.
It can be energizing, harmonizing, relaxing, sensual, ...
Bringing you exactly what contributes to the well-being of the moment.
In a feeling of fullness, you are thus more able to welcome, let go, and act more aligned with your being and your environment.
The Benefits:
Promotes the connection with one's own body.
Promotes calming of the mind.
Strengthens self-esteem.
Promotes personal development.
Improves sleep.
Stimulates vital energy.
It provides pleasure and well-being.
It teaches you how to take care of yourself and gives you confidence.

2 hours
Price: 145€
Paris price: 155€
(-30 years reduction of 30€)
As a reminder, booking a session necessarily includes accepting the general conditions and the charter of respect.
Tantric Massage
Tantric massage is closely related to tantric traditions that date back thousands of years. Tantric practices are based on a holistic view of the human being, considering that the body and mind are interconnected. Tantric massage is an integral part of this holistic approach to well-being.
At the heart of tantric massage is the vital energy, known as “kundalini”. Tantric massage aims to awaken this energy and circulate it through the different energy centers of the body, called “chakras”. The ultimate goal is to achieve a state of harmony and deep ecstasy.
Tantric massage is a sensual massage with the aim of awakening sexual energy and directing it upwards, towards the Heart and into all parts of the body. Thus, it opens all energy centers and channels, freeing them from any mental, emotional and physical blockages so that the energy of life can flow beautifully and freely within the Self.
Practiced in a secure and well-defined environment (read the respect charter carefully), attentive listening and freedom in this massage allow you to achieve true ecstasy and rediscover the power of our vital energy.
Do you want to know more about Tantra and Tantric Massages? Discover the article "The Tantric Vision".
The Benefits:
Strengthen emotional bonds.
Promotes the circulation of energy.
Clears energy blockages.
Improves health and vitality .
Promotes joy and fulfillment.
Unlocks orgasmic potential.
Stimulates vital energy.
Reduces sexual dysfunctions.
It provides pleasure and well-being.
It teaches you how to take care of yourself and gives you confidence.

Etreinte Tantrique entre hommes gay tantra massage tantra massage tantrique

Yab Yum tantra homme gay fraternité energie kundalini

Yab Yum tantra gay energie kundalini

Etreinte Tantrique entre hommes gay tantra massage tantra massage tantrique
The Tantric Wave

The Tantric Wave is a session of approximately 3 hours
(allow about 45 minutes more to allow me to install the equipment and give us some time to talk)
The Tantric Wave is an accompaniment towards Tantric Exploration.
This proposal, much longer than the tantric exploration is designed particularly as a first experience in the Tantric massage. Sharing with you the Keys to better understand the experience of energy and freedom to be, I guide you and accompany you step by step in order to enter the massage with more presence and letting go, to promote conscious abandonment and the co-creation of this moment so that the discovery is truly profitable for you.
In this session, I share practices of connection, harmonization of the relationship to create a space of security and benevolence where you can visit your freedom of the moment with complete confidence.
I share with you breathing practices and stimulation of your vital energy, your sexual energy.
I share with you techniques to be present in your body and heart, so as to consciously experience the Exploration that follows.
I accompany you towards tantric abandonment.
You can reproduce all these techniques alone or even share them with your partner(s).
After these practices which open to letting emerge what IS and welcoming it, follows the massage, the Exploration... where the subtle touch will come to stimulate and increase your sexual energy, to diffuse it throughout the body and feel new sensations to the extremities.
The tantric wave will allow you to enter slowly and consciously into an exploration which will be experienced all the better, in presence and letting go.
This session, although designed as a first experience, can be repeated and adapted to a second, a third, an umpteenth session depending on your wishes.
This session, although designed as a first experience, can be repeated and adapted to a second, a third, an umpteenth session depending on your wishes.

The Tantric Wave
Session 3h
Price: €250
Paris price: €280
(-30 years reduction of 30€)
As a reminder, booking a session necessarily includes accepting the general conditions and the charter of respect.

Tantric Explorations
Tantric Exploration is a session of approximately 2 hours
(allow about 45 minutes more to allow me to install the equipment and give us some time to talk)
In this session, Exploration is in the spotlight.
I invite you to already know the 3 keys to Tantric breathing according to Margot Anand:
Breathing, Movement and Sound
By diving "quickly" into a massage with subtle touches where sexual energy is simulated in order to be diffused throughout the body, this massage takes shape as the mind escapes, the body relaxes, and the being allows itself.
Exploration is a tailor-made journey that will always be different, from one person to another, from one moment to the next.
Due to its "rapid" entry into the journey through the body, where Tantra invites slowness and awareness, I invite you to choose this session if you already have some knowledge or experience in tantric massage, so you can take full advantage of these two hours by already having the ability to be in the moment, in full awareness, in the heart, and in a total abandonment promoting receptivity.
Having already experienced a discovery through the "Tantric Wave" session and easily moving towards relaxation and letting go is an essential key to experiencing this session in an optimal way.
If you have not yet experienced a tantric massage, if relaxation takes its time to settle in you, if letting go is not easy or if you have apprehensions about massage, its limits, its setting, its safety, if tantric breathing and perineal stimulation do not evoke much for you, I strongly invite you to choose the Tantric Wave as your first experience.
Guided and much longer, it allows relaxation to envelop you before the session is already over and to truly enjoy this gift that you are giving yourself.

Session 2h30
Price: 200€
Paris price: €230
(-30 years reduction of 30€)
As a reminder, booking a session necessarily includes accepting the general conditions and the charter of respect.
Tantric Explorations
Tantric Ritual
The session par excellence.
Out of time, Tantric Ritual is a session designed to awaken and harmonize the vital energy that lies dormant within you.
A complete exploration, from the awakening of presence, to the diffusion of energy throughout the body, passing through meditative states in ecstatic levels.
This journey can be a continuation after "the Tantric Wave", where guidance in full consciousness acts as a reminder to reach unsuspected states.
This journey can also be the first, inviting you step by step to a complete and complete exploration, while guiding you in surrender to what Is.
This experience, as powerful as it is soothing, guides you towards a deep alignment between your body, your heart and your mind.

It all starts with a moment of exchange, a space for discussion where your needs, desires and limits are met with respect. This first contact allows us to establish a climate of trust and lay the foundations for the session.
The session begins with harmonization practices where you can welcome your sensations, your emotions and your energy with complete serenity.
We are living here an often intense moment: a practice to Honor the Being that you are .
Ritual has begun...
We then approach the body by activating the senses and energy, through subtle techniques: conscious breathing, enveloping touch, sensory awakening...
This introduction aims to calm the mind, open the channels and bring you into a state of total receptivity.
Then comes the heart of the session : a full tantric massage, fluid and harmonious, which goes through each part of your body with particular attention. Each movement is an invitation to reconnect with your deep vitality, to free yourself and abandon yourself to the present moment.
Within the limits of my sessions, you become an actor of your own pleasure. Pleasure is a witness to a body that lives, that vibrates and whose energy circulates freely.
In this crescendo, we will also visit stillness, suspension, silence to enter even more deeply into your sensations. The journey is as gentle as it is powerful.
If appropriate, more intense practices can be offered, especially on specific areas such as the sacred point (prostate). This massage promotes the rise of a liberating energy, while being deeply rooted in a caring and respectful approach.
This step is only considered if it resonates with your current needs.
The session ends gently, with anchoring gestures and a moment of calm to integrate the benefits.
The intensity diffuses and leaves you feeling expanded and harmonious, more connected to yourself and the energy of life.

Session 3h
Price: €330
Paris price: €350
(-30 years reduction of 30€)
Tantric Ritual

As a reminder, booking a session necessarily includes accepting the general conditions and the charter of respect.
Places and Meetings
In Belgium:
I come to your home or meet you by appointment at Zom'Altitude .
2, rue du falx
7903 Blicquy (Ath)
From September 19 to October 7, 2024 &
From November 22 to May 1, 2025
I welcome you to Paris:
Meet us in the 17th,
Batignolles district .
From February 18 to 27, 2025
Massages at Home:
I travel throughout Belgiumand Hauts de France.
Cities of passage for home appointments
The transit cities are landmarks, if you live between two of these cities or nearby on these dates, contact me to see the possibilities together.
Roaming in France and Belgium:
Massage at home , at your place or at your hotel.*
* Beyond a radius of 40 km from my place of accommodation
(this will always be communicated in advance),
Travel costs of 0.417 cents per km must be taken into account.
Check the interactive map to find out my availability near you.
from September 2024
to April 2025
Click on the icon of the
map to see the date.
- Nantes
- Avranches
- Le Havre
- Berck-Plage
- Tournai and Belgium
- Tournai and Belgium
- Charleroi
- Soisson
- Troyes
- Lyon
- Crest
- Orange
- Carpentras
- Avignon
- Pertuis / Salon de Provence
- Arles
- Marseillan
- Nimes
- Clermont-Ferrand
- Nevers
- Troyes
- Soisson
- Belgium
In Belgium from 22 Nov.
as of April 1, 2025
Other appointment booking:
To facilitate the management of requests, please provide me with your contact details and location.
By email to artmoniedesoi@protonmail.com
By phone at (+ 32) 0494 44 62 59
Leave a voice message or text message and I will get back to you as soon as possible .
Via the Hunqz (Romeo) network: TantrArt