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Art'monie de Soi Logo - Art therapy - Mayeux Teddy

"This Ex-pression,
Beyond the evils,

In the form of a concrete body,
In a Camaïeu of emotions
To palpable materials,
Towards the light of our consciences.

There are the meanings and the essence of the Art'monie of Self."

What is art therapy?

Qu'est-ce que l'art-thérapie

C'est un moyen d'expression qui ne nécessite pas de connaissance particulière en art ou en dessin.

La recherche n'étant pas le résultat, mais la démarche, le cheminement et ce que notre inconscient désire nous faire savoir de nous.

" Une médecine douce ", diront certains.

l'Art-thérapie vise à améliorer et à harmoniser notre qualité de vie. En passant par des créations intuitives en tout genre ( collage, peinture, écriture, land art, sculpture, corporel, théâtre, ... ) vos œuvres auront la particularité de vous renvoyer vers vous-même et d'aider à prendre conscience des pas futurs à mettre en place vers votre bien-être.​

Les séances ou ateliers sont accessibles à tous, sans aucun pré-requis particulier.

Si vous souhaitez surmonter :

- Des blocages dans votre vie actuelle
- Des situations du passé qui vous empêchent d'avancer
- Des angoisses, du stress
- Des états dépressifs

- Des difficultés émotionnelles ou relationnelles 

- Un burn-out

- ...

Ou si vous souhaitez simplement vous dépasser :

- Vous découvrir autrement

- Entrer en introspection

- Faire un bilan de votre évolution personnelle
- Vous amuser avec la créativité

- ...

Les séances peuvent amener à :

Favoriser le lâcher-prise, la confiance en soi, le relationnel, ...

Et dépasser les barrières inconscientes, les croyances limitantes, les difficultés de la vie, ... 

Le tout en stimulant sa créativité!

Les séances peuvent être individuelles, en atelier de groupe (public) ou en groupe privé (à partir de 6, jusqu'à 8 participants) 

In individual session

The first session lasts 1h30.

Allowing us to identify your needs and expectations and to begin, together, the path towards your goal.
The following sessions will last between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes.

These will be defined on a case-by-case basis, respecting each person's pace.

For any appointment, please contact Mayeux Teddy either by email, at the following address:, or by phone at +32494 44 62 59, or via the contact form

séance individuelle

Group workshops

Les ateliers de groupe

In the group workshops you will find:
* Full days , discovery and letting go.

* Cycles (minimum 2 days)

* Theme days

* “À la Carte” workshops (requires participation in at least one discovery day)

Possibility of private group sessions (from 6, up to 8 participants)

Full days

The full-day workshops: “Discovery”, are all about letting go and building self-confidence.

These workshops are an introduction to the subject, to yours. They allow you to discover how a workshop works, the relationship with the other participants - great encounters for sure - as well as the framework in which you can flourish and express yourself freely.

The Discoveries and Letting Go workshops can be organized anywhere, in public or private.
These workshops are exclusively in person.

If you would like to organize a discovery day at your home or venue,
Contact me by Email.

Les journées complètes

The Cycles

The Art'monie de Soi cycles offer you the opportunity to address themes in depth to move towards self-awareness. These cycles last a minimum of 2 days and can, in some cases, be residential.
They are aimed at anyone, without any prerequisites, and offer you powerful and liberating therapeutic work, a cleansing of past wounds and conditioning that prevent you from being yourself...

The themes of the cycles are numerous, here are some examples:

- Experiment and adopt letting go

- Welcoming my body-emotions

- Free my relationship with money

- Breaking free from family patterns and loyalties

- ...

Easier to be available one day rather than two?

I also offer themed activities, in just one day .

Les stages

Theme days

Les journées à thèmes

In a group, a theme day invites you, with the help of a particular creative achievement, to support, strengthen, encourage and concretize an area of your life.

The topics covered may be:

- Creation of a "vision board" (or visualization board - dreams)
- Gratitude day, experience and learn to be in gratitude

- Realize and adopt your affirmations and positive language

- ...

“A la carte” workshops

The “À la Carte” workshops are themed workshops that can be chosen according to your needs.

Given in the evening during the week, at a rate of 2 hours per workshop, they help with support and sharing, in a group, on a particular subject.

For example:
- My resources - My fear of failure - My relationships - My letting go - My emotions - ...

Your participation, your exchanges, your sharing, your needs will also bring about so many new themes.

Les ateliers à la carte

Access the workshop schedule here

© 2024 Art'monie de Soi

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